Learn more about how Gimme VMS manages your warehouse.
VMS’ Schedule page filters allow you to view all routes, one route, one week, or one day. Should you view more than one route, edits can be applied to multiple route schedules at one time. Within the page, you can apply pick order adjustments, skip pick orders, and implement a holiday pick order for a specified date range. Under each day, you can see how many visits are scheduled for the week, so if a driver is out unexpectedly for the week, it gives you an idea of how you need to adjust the schedule until they return. The green or gray bubble to the right of the route indicates the POS fill percentage of the market or machine. This informs you how much product is there so you can alter the schedule to skip or send less if the market or machine is full.
Pick order adjustments allows you to set a start or end date to adjust the pick order by percentage. For example, say you have an account at a hotel with a market and the manager informs you about two large conferences happening at the hotel the following week, you can adjust the pick order to increase by 50% so the market would receive double the normal amount to compensate. When you holiday a market or machine, you can take it off a driver’s schedule for a selected date range. For example, if you have four vending machines at a school that is closing for two weeks between the end of the school year and the start of summer school, you can holiday the machine so it removes itself from the driver’s schedule, returning with the proper pick order after the date indicated.
From the Schedule page, there are links to accounts and POS. This benefits the one making the schedules by allowing them to view the individual accounts and POS to see what they look like, what the inventory values are, or any other available information before returning to make the desired changes on the Schedule page.
Drivers view their schedule from Gimme Field. The page is divided into "To Do" and "Completed" with each stop indicating whether it is a service or collect visit. Hybrid routes, or ones with vending and micromarket stops or micromarket and delivery stops, etc., can be set within VMS on the schedule page.
AI Schedule Suggestions gives you the best of both worlds, static and dynamic, by making your recurring visit schedule more efficient without hiring a dedicated schedule dispatcher. First, markets are broken into sections that can be individually scheduled to better balance items with varied shelf life. Then, the system uses "probability of stockouts” to make schedule suggestions while keeping you in control to accept or decline. Learn more about what contributes to a schedule suggestion in the announcement link. Overall, it will create predictable schedule savings that allow you to run larger operations with fewer employees and trucks on the road.
Watch AI Schedule Suggestions Announcement